


1. "摇滚音乐对青年人吸引并不是它的对抗性、反判性或煽动性。它的吸引力主要来自于它对人类内在的真实和自尊的追求、以及争取人性的解放和能够在这个世界上有真正意义生存的愿望。" -- 摘自VeryCD崔健《一无所有》专辑介绍  ――中国摇滚教父崔健22年后再次站上北京工人体育场

2. "Our concern is that a lot of college students are apathetic and that's what we're focusing on right now. Just trying to get students who are saying they're supporting him, to actually get out and vote," said Rebecca Kaufman, a volunteer with the Obama for American campaign.  ――Super Tuesday的到来和模糊中的新一代business model

3. In order for a problem to be commercially viable it should be one whose solving is both needed and the public is ready for the problem to be solved.... even though their solution was unique, sustainable (the name was trademarked) and had the potential to be profitable long-term (the product was sold at a unit price that was profitable). Why? Because they provided a solution to a problem that the public did not know existed.

4. "我爸是高干,脾气很暴躁的。"  ――新一代SB青年的崛起,娱乐圈"艳照门"事件

5. "谢旺霖之所以去流浪,是基于害怕,一怕"没有钱",二怕"没有人爱",其实很多人都会如此,只是这个年轻人诚实的表达出来,也诚实的去试炼自己。"  ――台湾青年谢旺霖单骑走滇藏

6. 曾经在幽幽暗暗反反复复中追问,才知道平平淡淡从从容容才是真。 ――姜育恒《再回首》

